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Please order West Coast Products at our New Page: 

West Coast Publishing


Purchase Order? 10% fee and please use this pdf: http://www.wcdebate.com/orderwc.pdf


Ultimate Package
Ultimate Package

BEST VALUE: The Ultimate Package includes all of our high school materials through June 30, 2024: You get the Policy Evidence Set, LD Evidence Set, PubForum Set, and BDB Debate and IE Textbooks. SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS and provide your students with everything.


Triple Package
Triple Package

GREAT VALUE: 3 Sets with the Triple Package with materials through June 30, 2024: Choose three of these sets: --Policy Evidence Set --LD Evidence Set --PubForum Set --BDB Debate and IE Textbooks Set. SAVE $130-$210 and provide your students with 3 great resources.


Double Package
Double Package

NICE VALUE: Double Package has 2 Sets with materials through June 30, 2024! Choose two of these sets: --Policy Evidence Set --LD Evidence Set --PubForum Set --BDB Debate and IE Textbooks Set. SAVE 75 DOLLARS and provide your students with 2 great resources. 


Title I Schools Package
Title I Schools Package

This is a package specifically designed with a low cost and robust set of our materials for Title I Schools on the topics (covers Policy-CX, LD, Public Forum, and Textbooks). Contact Jim Hanson at jim@wcdebate.com for a complete explanation of the materials included in the Title I Schools Package.



RETURN POLICY: Once you have purchased a product, there is no refund. We will work to make sure you have access to the materials you have purchased.

West Coast Publishing thanks you. Questions? Email Jim Hanson at jim@wcdebate.com

PURCHASE ORDER? 10% fee and PLEASE USE THIS: http://www.wcdebate.com/orderwc.pdf