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BDB Debate and IE Textbook Set
The Breaking Down Barriers Debate and IE Textbooks and Prepbooks are provided electronically at HUGE COST SAVINGS and the Set includes ALL five textbooks and ALL of the Prepbooks.
· You and all of your students will be able to access the Textbooks as Adobe Acrobat files on a web page. You and your students can view and print the Textbooks. If you wish, we will email a copy to your choice of local printer for professional printing and binding.
· You and all of your students will be able to access the Prepbooks as Word documents. You and your students can view, download, edit, and print the Prepbooks.
SAMPLES: http://www.wcdebate.com/00sampleproducts/index.htm
· BDB: Policy CX Debate
· BDB: LD Debate
· BDB: Public Forum Debate
· BDB: Parli Debate
Written by Jim Hanson, in total, over 1000 pages of material
Offering instruction in all three of the primary types of high school debate, these NEW textbooks are now the cutting edge. Featuring new examples, illustrations, photos and layout, these books keep student interest. They feature even clearer step by step instruction and new advanced chapters. For Policy debaters, your students learn about plans, advantages, disadvantages, counterplans, kritiks, topicality and move them onto the most advanced strategies and arguments that exist in debate today. LD debaters will learn values, criteria, contentions, as well as advanced strategies using philosophical perspectives, framework arguments and kritiks. Parliamentary debaters learn how to construct cases and arguments during preparation time, how to make and respond to points of information and points of order, refute, and engage in rebuttals. Public Forum debaters will learn case construction, crossfire, rebuttal, and summary skills. THE TEACHER MATERIALS provide amazing lesson plans and handouts. You get a course syllabus, daily schedule, tips on judging, critique sheets, activities, games, and more. The Teacher Materials give you the handouts and knowledge you need to make your class a success. These books are a must have for any teacher of a class or after school Policy, LD or Public Forum debate program!
- Policy-CX Prepbook (updated for the current topic)
- LD Prepbook
- Public Forum Prepbook
- Parli Prepbook
Each is over 60 pages of materials Jim Hanson
The Prepbooks make teaching easier and directly prepare your novice students to debate at their first tournament! FOR POLICY: You get amazing tips on the topic, topic analysis, affirmative case ideas, negative strategies, search terms to use when you go to the library, and more. You also get over 100 pieces of real evidence on THIS YEAR’S POLICY TOPIC that your students will use to write an affirmative case and answers to that case, practice refutation and rebuilding argument skills, and to prepare arguments for and against disadvantages, counterplans, and kritiks for that case, plus definitions for making topicality arguments. You also get answers and tips for the Prepbook. FOR LD: You get great step by step exercises for preparing cases, values, criteria, etc. Use the evidence to setup practice refutation, rebuttal and full practice debates. FOR PARLI: You get case outlines and arguments for use during preparation time. You get topics to use for debates. You get practice prompts for use in activities for preparing for different parts of debating. FOR PUBLIC FORUM: You get great materials to prepare your public forum case and to learn how to prepare each month when the topic is announced. Students prepare for refutation and rebuilding of arguments. Use Prepbook handouts for class lectures—e.g. “how to prepare an affirmative” and “how to respond to topicality arguments.” Use the definitions to talk about topicality arguments. This will be your most valued debate teaching resource. YES—STUDENTS CAN DO THEIR WORK ELECTRONICALLY or REGULAR PRINT AND TURN IT IN TO YOU. YES, YOU CAN MODIFY THE PREPBOOKS FOR YOUR OWN ACTIVITIES/EXCERCISES.
117 pages, 12 Chapters Jim Hanson with Diana Thompson, Nicholas Thomas, and Katie Imbeau
This is a great way to teach individual events. Rather than tired generic descriptions of public speaking, this book provides the critical tools to choose a winning topic, to prepare great extemp files, to cut interp pieces the right way, and so much more to help students succeed. Chock full of examples, tips, stories, pictures and details on all of the key individual events, you and your students will benefit greatly from a book that finally teaches individual events as they are practiced rather than from stuffy principles that someone else thinks are important. The book covers extemp, impromptu, persuasion/oratory, informative/expos, after dinner speaking, editorial commentary, and interpretation (duo, poetry, prose, serious and humorous dramatic, and thematic combinations such as programmed oral interpretation).