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Debate-IE Texts

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BDB Debate-IE Textbook Set
BDB Debate-IE Textbook Set

An Incredible Resource of Materials. The Breaking Down Barriers Debate and IE Textbooks take students step by step with interesting examples and engaging students in practice with their arguments. Policy, LD, Public Forum, and Parli Textbooks. PLUS an IE Textbook. PLUS The Dictionary of Forensics. PLUS Prepbooks for Policy, LD, Public Forum, and Parli Debate. Great for beginner, intermediate level, and advanced students. 


BDB: How to do Individual Events-Public Speaking
BDB: How to do Individual Events-Public Speaking

Breaking Down Barriers: How to do Individual Events-Public Speaking provides excellent step by step instruction in preparing and presenting great speeches and interpretation cuttings. Extemp, Impromptu, Oratory-persuasive, Expos-informative, Interpretation events are covered thoroughly and with multiple great tips to doing well. Jim Hanson has coached students to over 500 IE-Speaking awards and it shows in the helpful teacher materials and practice session suggestions included. Further, you receive the Dictionary of Forensics, providing great insight into all of the terminology of speech and debate. Just $95 for your entire class.



RETURN POLICY: Once you have purchased a product, there is no refund. We will work to make sure you have access to the materials you have purchased.

West Coast Publishing thanks you. Questions? Email Jim Hanson at jim@wcdebate.com

PURCHASE ORDER? 10% fee and PLEASE USE THIS: http://www.wcdebate.com/orderwc.pdf